is a unique combination of coupons (opportunities to save) and games (opportunities to earn) in one platform.
What is ?
Jiff is a B2C platform where merchants can create digital coupons and earn a "Jiff score" after their coupons are scanned via QR codes. The "Jiff score" system allows users to discover merchants through a leaderboard format.
After successfully scanning a coupon, users earn points that can be used in several lottery games for a chance to win various cash prizes.
When a user wins, the merchant whose coupon was last scanned before the win will also receive a corresponding cash reward.
This keeps merchants motivated to continuously create and update their coupons, as they will not only improve their "Jiff score" but also earn money alongside their customers.
Features for customers: Get coupon - Earn points - Win money
Features for merchants: Create coupon - Get customers - Earn rating - Win money with customer
Customer benefits
Save on coupons and earn extra money on games
Get coupon - save money and get points
Use points and play games
Merchant benefits
Boost your sales and earn extra money on games
Create coupons, get customers - earn Jiff rating, drive your coupons to top on leaderboard and make more money from more sales
Earn money from games together with customers
Jiff Lottery Games
For customers: Earn money from games
For merchants: Earn money when customer wins
Play lottery games with earned points and win money
Get in Touch
Reach out for inquiries about our unique coupon and game platform.
Discover savings and earn rewards through games.
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